Home 9 All About Design 9 Fast Growing Plants to Improve Your Lawn’s Privacy

Fast Growing Plants to Improve Your Lawn’s Privacy

Last Updated on: November 19, 2021
Author: Darryl

Privacy in your living space is important. And your lawn is an extension of your home and therefore is an extension of your living space. If you live in a populated area, privacy on your lawn might be a problem.

Your lawn and garden are your home away from home. IF you’ve spent some time designing your garden, it can become a location to get away from the daily hustle and bustle and relax. And if you want to relax, privacy is

One way of adding privacy is to get a tall fence but that will cost you a fair amount of money. Or you can add some tall plants that can make for good hedges. You’ll want plants that grow fast.

Here are some plants that can help improve your lawn’s privacy quickly.

Red Leaf Photinia

Red Leaf Photinia for Privacy

Photinia robusta, also known as Red Leaf Photinia, is a fast-growing, small tree with glossy red foliage that turns green as it matures. It can grow up to five meters tall. It also has a dense growth habit that makes it a good selection for screening. This plant can provide the privacy you are looking for.

Clumping bamboo

With its oriental look, bamboo is a perfect fit for certain garden styles. They are fast-growing and widely used for screening purposes. Some people are not aware that there are two types of bamboo plants and clumping bamboo is better for lawns and gardens.

Running bamboo is difficult to maintain. This is the type of bamboo that is invasive. It will spread everywhere if left unchecked.

Clumping bamboo does not spread far from the main plant but still provides a good amount of coverage. Go for the clumping bamboo. It is a moderate grower.

A fully grown clumping bamboo can reach up to four meters in one to two years.

Climbing roses

People from all walks of life love roses. You can’t find anyone who hates roses.

Climbing Roses for Privacy

Climbing roses are good choices for adding privacy to your lawn. It can also help add colour to your garden. Climbing roses also have a longer flowering season compared to most types of roses. To use climbing roses as fencing material, however, you will need to provide them support for climbing on.

Lilly Pilly

Lilly Phillies are popular choices for creating hedges that can produce edible fruit. They are pretty easy to shape and prune making it an easy-to-maintain manageable hedge plant. Lilly pilly berries are also quite tasty.


One of the most common viburnums is the laurustinus. It is a hardy, evergreen plant that makes for a great hedge and will require some pruning during spring. It also has some clusters of pink buds that bloom pretty white flowers.

These are just some of the plants that you can use to add privacy to your lawn. If you want to give these plants more height. You can choose to plant them in long trough planters.


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