Home 9 Uncategorized 9 Landscaping Trends to Consider for Your Next Landscape Design Project in 2022

Landscaping Trends to Consider for Your Next Landscape Design Project in 2022

Last Updated on: March 18, 2022
Author: Darryl

It looks like the pandemic is still here to stay. Going back to our normal lives will still have to wait. This gives us an opportunity to apply new landscaping trends that are more focused on improving your living space.

Growing Your Own Food

Since the pandemic started, being able to grow your own food to improve food security has become very important. Many of the world’s supply chains came to a halt when lockdowns went into effect. People realized how dependent they are on these supply chains which also made prominent the importance of being able to grow your own food. And with nothing else to do during lockdowns, many people took to planting crops. Interest in growing food has only blossomed so more and more landscape designers are being asked about incorporating growing crops in landscape design. 

Straberries for Landscaping Trends

Growing your own food can look good and also be fulfilling. We recommend planting herbs and leafy vegetables. 

Indoor and Outdoor Blending

The idea is to bring the outdoors indoors and the indoors outdoors. This has been going on for a few years already. This trend is expected to continue for the next few years. It is also a perfect trend for urban residential areas. 

Creating a strong connection with nature in your home isn’t that difficult. Create an outdoor dining space or bring inside some sprawling vines and large palm trees, The possibilities are endless.

Designing to Attract Local Wildlife

To create a more “natural” look, wildlife should always be on your list. Birds, bees, and other pollinators should be your landscape’s audience. You can add birdbaths and bird feeders to attract birds and plant many flowers to attract bees and butterflies. Water features are also great for relaxing. The sound of rustling water soothes the soul.

Kid and Pet-Friendly Spaces

A landscape should always be a welcoming and safe place. It should be a place where family and friends can have a good time. Create designs that can accommodate kids and pets without the need to watch their every move. Instead of hard paving, opt for soft turf. You can even dedicate an area to turn into a playground where the kids can have fun.

For pets, you can create a simple secluded space where they can run and lie down. Add some shade so they can have some protection during the summer season.

All these landscaping trends have one thing in common – it promotes creating a strong connection with nature. Have you ever done any designs on these trends?


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