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What are the Most Common Landscaping Mistakes That You can Avoid?

Last Updated on: August 14, 2020
Author: Nicholas Jones

Making mistakes on landscaping is part of the learning process. You learn not to repeat the same mistakes. It sets you on the right track so you can develop.

Even professionals make different mistakes as they were also once beginners. That’s just how humans learn but avoiding these mistakes altogether can save time and effort. You can also learn from other people’s mistakes. So here are some common landscaping mistakes and how can you avoid them.

Not Planning Ahead.

Planning is the first thing that should be done when landscaping. Plan the layout. Plan on what planters you will use and what plants, and other features you want to include in your landscape design. You can prepare the budget needed for your project.

Do not be scared of hiring professionals. It will cost you but you would actually end up saving time and resources in the long run. Professional landscape designers will bring out the best in your area.

Not Paying Attention to Climate Zones When Choosing Plants

Temperature, humidity, rain, wind, sunlight can affect the growth of your plants. What will happen if you choose plants neglecting these elements? A great disaster.

Consult with your local nursery and they can help you choose plants appropriate for your region. You don’t want wilted plants all over your landscape.

Overcrowding Spaces.

Nothing ruins the aesthetic appeal of a landscape quite like overcrowding. For one, an overly cluttered landscape is ugly and distracting. Secondly, shrubs, trees, and flowers need good air circulation. Also, remember that plants and trees will grow, so if it looks crowded now, give it some time and it’ll get worse.

If you are landscaping a patio, allow enough space to move around. What’s the purpose of a patio if you can’t even move around it?

Overdoing Designs and Ornamentations.

This is pretty obvious. Adding too much design and ornamentations can really disturb the balance of your landscape. Stick to one focal point. Adding large planters, benches, or even fountains is okay, just make sure to not overdo it.

These are common mistakes that can be avoided. Just remember, a garden is a place where you should feel relaxed. Make it an alluring, functional, and sustainable place.

Have you made any landscaping mistakes? How did you fix them?


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