Home 9 Plants and Planters 9 Staying in Your Garden During this Pandemic

Staying in Your Garden During this Pandemic

Last Updated on: July 31, 2020
Author: Nicholas Jones

We aren’t all prepared for what’s happening in the world today.  Most of us are now quarantined in our homes to avoid the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. You may not be in the front lines but you are contributing by preventing the spread of the virus by staying home. We can wait until a vaccine is created so the best thing to do is to stay at home with your family. We all hope that this crisis will end soon.


In the meantime, we green thumbs have more time to spend in our gardens. It’s not a bad deal. Science says gardening is good for you.

A garden is a place you can use to maintain your health and well-being. It is a place for you to experience nature first-hand. Staying in the garden can also benefit your mental and emotional health.

grey and white house near trees during daytime

Gardening reduces depression and anxiety. It can promote the practice of mindfulness, a process of being aware of the present moment without judgment. Just imagine the relaxation given by the colours of the plants, the diversity of textures in the soil, and the smell of the flowers.

Above all of this, this quarantine period gave us the opportunity to spend more time in this paradise. It cultivates our and our household’s sense of pride and gives us pleasure.

If you are planning to start your own garden, you check out our blog for ideas. We are also offering different pots and planters that can be very useful in your project.


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