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Tasmanian Design and Cultural Dedication

Last Updated on: November 15, 2012
Author: Susan P

tasmaniaFrom a satellite, it resembles an old earthbound Amerindian arrowhead. Geologically, Tasmania holds the mystery of the difference between Australia and Antarctica. We will take a closer look at Tasmanian design and cultural dedication. How is Tasmania so different? It’s temperate and it’s lush, unlike either. Like a red-headed step-child, Tasmania is almost a foreign country, not belonging to either in form or content.

However, it was a physical possession of Australia until the sea had its way with it, separating it from Australia, while Australia continued to move away toward southern Asia. (Wonder what will happen when it gets there—a gentle nudge or a will they build a reef to hold it at bay?)

tasmania remainsThe British used Tasmania as a penal colony in 1803. The building is still there, albeit unoccupied, and stands as a relic of the past. Today, being listed with the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) as a World Heritage Area, signifies an exploration as a cultural design influence yielding contributions to consider.

Design Ideas to Relish and Adapt

tasmania designsAs if to remind us of its value to the world, the Design Sponsor 2012 poster gives us good reason to attend what Tasmania has to offer.

Currently on display at Tasmania’s Design Center is an exhibit called “Tidal Zone.” It features objects found in the space “where land and see meet.” With the tide comes a variety of bits and pieces which Tasmanian artists have collected and managed to turn into imaginative works that compel the observer to wonder at their history and how they found their way to the shore. How clever of these artists to show such ingenuity of design.

You have to admire the artist’s eye in this exhibition. Makes you speculate toward delivering the same witticism in landscape design. Particularly in a seaside setting, an artist’s perspective becomes a sophisticated rendering of what could be quite useful as an outdoor furnishings enhancement.

Where Reach Succeeds with Grasp

beautiful Tasmania designIn a search for the rare, Tasmania claims honors with a structure that could only have risen from a culture that thrives on design. When speaking of a serious commitment to understanding and celebrating the environment, Tasmania walks the walk. Where else could such a place exist with a blend of imagination and practical reality?

There are wonderful lessons here and in appraising the effort, Bravo! comes readily to mind. The site is the manta ray-Inspired Saffire Resort that not only restores a formerly abandoned area to full use, but goes to the extent of capturing rainwater for use in the resort. The main building’s architecture is inspiring as a successful reach in emulating a creature that flies through water.

Views of Oyster Bay, from its generous public spaces, are picturesque reminders of the source for the design concept, with a shoreline that creates awareness of the land forms, the ocean’s movements and sea creatures that inhabit it.

Tasmania is Where Design Enfolds the Environment

Known for its design centers that not only look out on their surroundings, but where designers make it a point to absorb the wonder of a natural world that provides an endless source of inspiration and continues to engage in a dialogue with landscape.

Have you ever been to Tasmania or do you have any thoughts regarding Tasmania. Please feel free to comment below.


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