Home 9 Articles 9 Plants and Planters 9 Plants in Pots 9 Kangaroo Paw: Grows Best in Containers

Kangaroo Paw: Grows Best in Containers

Kangaroo PawKangaroo Paw is one of the most rewarding, perennial plant native to Australia and it is known not only locally but all over the world. In fact, it is now being exported all over the globe. Aside from its colourful appearance, its unique shape adds beauty when it is placed in containers or garden pots. The tubular flower that is coated with hair and has an open apex with six claws makes it a unique characteristic as well as a bird attracting flower.

These plants are not needy and you don’t have to worry when summer arrives and the temperature sizzles. Its drought tolerant property helps them to keep on blooming even during dry seasons. Kangaroo paws are best for small growers as it can be moved to a shelter during winter and it also adds colour to the environment especially when placed indoors. The base of this plant can store water that allows the plant to adapt to dry conditions. In its natural habitat, the roots reach deep down to find moisture in the soil.

The Kangaroo Paw plant adapts well in different kinds of soil and weather conditions. But in planting this, whether in garden or in a container, it is best to prepare a soil that drains well. To get good results, it is best to grow Kangaroo Paws in full sun. Planting this in a container is better, to promote good air movement.

Planting and Growing

First, prepare a planter box with drainage holes. This will allow water to drain freely and prevent the plant from having any diseases. Then, place the plant on the soil; the crown should be not too deep. Next, water the plant after planting. Though they are drought tolerant, it is important to water them regularly until it matures, but avoid too much water. This can make the plant susceptible to fungal diseases. Lastly, you can apply fertiliser. It is really unnecessary but it can help boost flower production. It is best applied once a month during spring to autumn; stop when winter arrives.


When the plant is getting larger, choose a larger container and transfer the plant. Loosen soil with trowel and support the base and stem of the kangaroo paw plant while transferring.

Care and Maintenance

During wet season, Kangaroo Paw can be susceptible to snails. If damaged by frost severely, cut away affected leaves and flowers. The rhizome under the ground will grow again in spring.

The Kangaroo Paw can also be affected by aphids, but can be controlled by spraying insecticidal soap at least once a week. Watch out for blackening of leaves and stems, it means that the plant may be affected by fungus. Also, remove wilted leaves, and damaged foliage. Keeping plants in full-sun and light soil, as well as pruning can prevent fungus from coming back. It also prevents the appearance of spider mites that could damage and infect the plant.

Kangaroo Paw Flower

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