How to make the most of your green space in the city? Click here to find out.
Will an ambitious new project make Minnesota a global medical-tourism destination? Check it out in this blog post.
There is a connection between landscaping and psychological well-being. Find out here.
The Ecocapsule by Nice Architects is a home that lets you live off of solar and wind energy. Can you live off grid?
Have you ever seen a landfill become a national park? Here are 8 stunning examples.
On Industry News:
Emerging Canberra reflected in 2015 Architecture Awards; vote now for people’s choice.
The 202020 vision plan launched to increase Australia’s urban green spaces by 20 per cent. That’s 20 ways to achieve a 20 per cent increase in urban green spaces by 2020.
The Australian Institute of Landscape Architects (AILA) is now accepting submissions of abstracts for this year’s Research Summit, as part of the Festival of Landscape Architecture. You only have until June 5 to submit.
The 3 questions that will help provide an insight into the landscape architect profession.